Friday, June 20, 2008

seven days and counting

Things I Will Not Miss About My Apartment:
  1. If you know me, number one is obvious.
  2. The Heffalumps who live upstairs with their stomping and incessant vacuuming.
  3. Living on a one-way street.
  4. Trying to give people directions to an apartment on a one-way street.
  5. The emptying of the dumpster directly behind my unit at five in the morning.
  6. Living behind a major restaurant, a busy gas station, and beside a grocery store and being awakened by delivery trucks every morning.
  7. The valet boys who run up and down the alley and give me dirty looks when I cut through their parking lot.
  8. Having a landlord who owns a gazillion properties and doesn't care about fixing stuff in mine.
  9. Ceramic fish.
  10. Almost dying every time I pull out of the alley.
  11. Knowing when every fire or emergency occurs because of the nearness of the fire station.
  12. The lake that forms in the parking lot every time it rains.
  13. The dude across the hall who smokes the ganja all day long.


kristen said...

I'm so glad this chapter in your life is done.

I'm also so glad we found a rental not owned by your (or any other) slumlord to live in next year.

Anonymous said...

Hypothetically speaking, will there be a post with the top things you like about your new living arrangements? Perhaps I can help you with numbers 1 and 2 on that list??? In no particular order, I give you: 1.lyndsey 2. jessica. Hypotheically speaking, of course.

Carla Jean said...

I think I looked at an apartment (last summer) very near where you live now. You are making me very, very happy I didn't take it.

But I'm also excited for your upcoming change of circumstances!

Angie Davis said...

hmm...looks like i can relate to a lot of these. but at least my ceiling is not falling in or moldy, and i have yet to see a bug. so happy you are getting out of there.

are you living with lyndsey and jessica? fun! i wonder if they are nervous about being blogged about. its just going to happen.

amy & ashley said...

sweet freedom!