Monday, July 28, 2008

chronicles of a barista, part one

"I'll have a triple venti, skinny, one pump, three-Splenda, vanilla latte, 180-degrees, no foam, double-cupped, no sleeve."

Welcome to Mountain Brook, ladies and gentleman. These people like their coffee, and they know exactly how they want it. After my first weekend on the job, I have a new appreciation for Starbucks people. Thank you, Baristas everywhere. You work hard for the money.

So, my first sixty-hour week is over and I'm feeling okay. I even made it to the gym a couple of times, which is no small feat. I did discover, however, that going out the night before a 5:30 am shift is a BAD IDEA. My first Saturday morning on a register was spent in a sleepy stupor, which is dangerous when dealing with soccer moms who have yet to have their caffeine. People rattle off three or four complex drink orders at one time, and I'm supposed to remember all the details, ring it up in the register, mark their cup, and get it to the person at the bar. That requires a well-rested Mandie. Needless to say, I was not firing on all cylinders. Eleven hours of sleep and a couple of lattes later, Sunday morning was much better.

Goodbye, Social Life. See you in a couple of years.


Unknown said...

LOL, I totally understand how you feel, we shouldn't have kept you out to 9:30 Friday night:))

Elisa M said...

You get used to it. soon you will be able to mark those cups half asleep while muttering, "Got it, SKINNY latte" and flirting with the 2, maybe 3 cute guys who come in there, and making the drinks.

sugar and caffeine. the only problem will be the shakes you can't get rid of when your shifts ends...

mcclure adoption said...

oh sweet friend. that was my college years. up til 2a on the phi mu hall, out the door at 5a to O' day this lady even asked me if i was drunk b/c of my sleepy stupor. but seriously, at 8am? all i could retort was something about midterms and a mixer...poor girl! i hope you get some rest within your week!

s. wells said...

i'm glad i don't work at a starbucks. i work at the coffee bar in whole foods and i get to tell people we don't have sugar-free syrups because it's artificial.
it's like payback for their attitudes.

Amy said...

3 Splenda? Are you kidding me?

And sarah, you should just tell them that coffee causes stomach ulcers and they shouldn't drink it period.
yeaahhh right.

jess said...

geez louise. and i thought my tall decaf skinny hazelnut latte was a bit picky!