Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I’ve never been one for resolutions. Perhaps it is because I hate not keeping my word, and resolutions, generally speaking, are unrealistic and impossible to keep. This year I thought I would resolve to use fewer curse words, but determined on New Year’s Eve that this is also an unrealistic resolution because, 1) They have unfortunately become a consistent garment in my word wardrobe, and 2) I really like them. Does that make me less of a Southern lady? Probably. Good thing I never resolved to be a Southern lady. I think that would also require me to make copious amounts of casserole dishes, join a social society, and “court” “gentleman callers.” No thanks.

Instead, I think I will take more time this year to better myself, and be better to myself. The first step in this process has already begun with the determination to further my education (I booked a flight today for Boston). I am excited about the direction that I am headed and about a much-needed change. I also want to be more honest with myself, and with other people, about where I am and what is going on in my head. There is plenty of material for that which will no doubt show up in future posts. Be warned: it might not always be light-hearted and witty, as this blog tends to be (yeah, I just called myself witty. So?). Lastly, and I swear this is NOT a resolution, I intend get to a healthy weight and learn more about my body and it’s needs. I have known for a very long time that I need to do this, but have failed in solo attempts. I have recruited the help of friends and coworkers, joined something I swore I’d never join again, and have lost two pounds in the last week. However, I refuse to be one of the droves of people who go to the gym and go on fad diets through February and then quit. I already consider myself exempt from said group because I have long had a regular exercise routine and healthy eating habits (though too much healthy food will still keep you from losing weight - who knew).

Happy 2009, everyone. I hope it brings you all many joys, much laughter, and a life lived a little better than the year before.

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