Monday, September 24, 2007

don't hate me because i'm a list-maker

I like lists. And I like the things on this list:
  1. No. 2 Pencils. Not the click kind, the kind you sharpen yourself. Especially if they say things like "I love Math!", or "I Got Caught Doing Good."
  2. Using spellcheck and finding that I didn't spell anything wrong.
  3. Gray hairs.
  4. Changing from running shoes into high heels.
  5. Vegetarian chicken patties. I wouldn't eat them for a while because I thought they were weird ... which they are. But they are good.
  6. Letting my hair air-day. It doesn't look good, but it doesn't look terrible. So I go with it.
  7. Chunky, cable-knit cardigans.


Laura said...

For your pencil-love:

Amanda said...

Laura -

That is stupendous. Thanks for sharing!

G. Twilley said...

I always think it strange that a company will develop a veggie product that tastes like meat.

Strange enough, I'll still take the occasional Boca; a black bean burger is well enough on it's own though.

Amanda said...

Gene -

I agree. And they make them look like meat with the shape and everything. Like the "chicken nuggets." So odd. But alas, they are tasty.

One of my favorite things is a Morningstar Farms Spicy Black Bean Burger. It's not made to taste like meat, just a patty of black bean goodness. Mmmm.

Angie Davis said...

i like list makers. maybe b/c i wish i were one? i mean, i DO make lists.....but then i can never find them.
have you had the black bean burger at Roho? it's been a while, but i remember really liking it at the time.

and thanks for liking my kid so much. :)