Thursday, December 27, 2007

christmas recap

This is Dad. He got a new hair trimmer thing for Christmas, even though he doesn't have much hair to trim. He's cute.

These are my Hot Christmas Shoes. You may think I'm wearing white stockings, but I'm not. They're just that white.

This is my brother. He got that new hat, and as you can tell by his thumbs-up ... he likes it. Even though he looks like he just sniffed poop.

This is me and Tinker. My brother was dog sitting and she spent the week at my parents' house. It was like a Christmas dream come true.

This is Granny killing my brother with an axe. God rest his soul.

I do have a mother, but all the pictures of her were taken with the fancy pants camera. Hopefully I'll have the rest of the pics soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

speaking of white legs... amy told me yesterday that i had to wear pantyhose with my skirt because my legs were so white that they made the whole outfit look bad. i feel your pain.