Monday, December 31, 2007

how you know you're not into it:

  1. You screen your phone calls, and only call back to be polite.
  2. You get bored during phone conversations, and find yourself saying "uh-huh" when it doesn't even make sense.
  3. You'd rather kiss your cousin.
  4. The feeling in your stomach definitely isn't butterflies.
  5. You already have plans for the Fade Out.
  6. You get face cramps from forcing smiles and laughter for too long.
  7. You don't want to be touched, scratched, massaged, straddled on a bar stool, or whispered to.
  8. When you are unpleasantly surprised that what you thought was just dinner before an event is actually a date.

I discovered recently that some guys think that buying you dinner means they have the right to touch you. This bothers me.


susan said...

You know, if you need breakup advice, I'm the best. (Albeit not the nicest.)

Jessica H. said...

this makes me laugh because i completely know what you are talking about....ha

Amy said...

mace. it works everytime.