Wednesday, March 5, 2008

love = plastic

So, it just wouldn't be my life if I didn't have crushes on at least three guys at one time. There is one in particular that keeps showing up in my dreams. We'll call him Jack. This is the one I had last night:

[In the back seat of a car]

Jack: I think I know why you act the way you do around me. You think I'm hot.

Me: [Burying my head into his shoulder] Oh, no! I can't look you in the eye anymore!

[Jack tilts my chins upward with his manly hand, looks into my eyes, and then lays one on me. A good one, even. Then he gives me his credit card. I then proceeded to show off said credit card to all of my friends. And they were jealous.]

That is love, ladies and gentlemen.

What does this say about me?


Anonymous said...

I think it means that you are going to have Jack's love child.

Meighan said...

I think I know who "Jack" is.

Elisa M said...

I have weird dreams about men all the time! It is so strange. Some of them are too crazy for me to begin to interpret...because I am scared of what they mean.

Rick said...

I'm embarrassed to say that I once dreamed that Peter Pan and me were friends. He taught me how to fly. In my dream, he took me to this tree that was blooming in my back yard, took a flower, and shook all the pollen on my head. Than I began to fly. Needless to say (I was about 8 or 9), I went in my back yard the next morning and tried it. My mom thought I was crazy