Friday, November 18, 2005

20 Things I'm Thankful For, 2005 Ed.

In observance of the season ...

1. My job. Didn't have one until three weeks ago. Love it.

2. Eli. The kind gentleman who told me about said job, and new cute friend.

3. My coworkers. They are super nice and endure all of my questions. Especially Eric, who corrects my mistakes and doesn't make me feel like an idiot.

4. Space heaters, without which I would turn to a block of ice at my desk.

5. Roommates. Didn't have those until three weeks ago either. Rent is cheaper with them.

6. Free water at work. Otherwise I'd be paying for bottled water, which really
should be a crime.

7. My parents. They love me and they buy me things that I need.

8. Grace. If I were really good and moral, I would've put this first.

9. My coffee grinder, which allows me to have damn tasty cafe every morning,
instead of nasty corporate coffee.

10. Community, and a growing understanding of what it really is.

11. Friendships, both old and comfortable, and new and awkward.

12. Alcoholic beverages, and a new appreciation for their calming powers.

13. Good music. Particularly David Gray and Sandra McCracken, my latest obsessions.

14. Health.

15. The Food Network. My absolute most favorite television station.

16. Office supplies. I've always had a strange obsession with them, and now I get to use them all the time. I'm particularly thankful for staplers.

17. Law and Order: SVU, and friends who love it as much as I do.

18. Sweatpants, and any time that I get to spend in their comfy goodness.

19. Laughter, and its ever-increasing presence in my life.

20. Life, even with its hills and valleys.

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