Friday, May 19, 2006

mayday situation

I went by our new apartment yesterday to see if they had painted the walls, and while I was there a guy across the way came frantically running out of his apartment. He was a big shirtless guy, and his pants were undone and falling off his butt. He grabbed this metal thing from the grass near his porch and started running toward the street. At this point I am backing away from the open door to peek out the living room blinds, thinking that I am about to witness this half-naked man bludgeon someone to death with a piece of metal. Also thinking this apartment was a bad choice.

He runs to the street, opens up a man-hole of sorts, cranks something with this piece of metal, and runs back into his apartment, pulling up his pants with every step. At this point I realize that he is not going to murder anyone, and is in fact having a plumbing emergency. He was straight off the toilet! I am laughing out loud in my new empty apartment, wishing that someone had been there to share that moment with me. Also wishing that the same thing never happens to us.


alisa said...

your posts make me laugh out loud. and in response to your comment, i love you too. and i miss you so much.

David said...

What is it with you and random men having problems in the bathroom?!?! LOL.... By the way, I'll be back in Bham around June 3 or 4. We need to hang out!!

jeff said...

that is hilarious, i wish I could've seen it