Monday, January 29, 2007


My friend Susan did this on her blog and I thought it was great. So, I figured I'd follow suit.

Here's how it works: People who get tagged need to write a blog post of 6 weird things about them as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

So the six weird things about me, if I can choose just six, are below.

  1. My least favorite punctuation mark is the exclamation point. I don't think it suits me. Every time I type a sentence that ends in an exclamation point, I usually look at it for a few seconds and then backspace. I don't know why I'm so sure that exclamations points don't fit with me, but I am. Oh ... and I hate it when people overuse it in emails.
  2. I have a weird thing with noises. There is a long list of ones that I don't like. Actually, it's not that I just don't like them, it's that I can't function when I hear them it bothers me so badly. Here are a few: whistling, crickets, ticking clocks, two tv's at once (or a tv and a radio at the same time), muffled voices through the wall, and birds. Nothing makes me quite as angry as a loud-mouth bird waking me up on a Saturday morning.
  3. Related to number two, but still it's own oddity is that I sleep with one of those white noise machines. As if that's not weird enough, I also wear earplugs. Every night.
  4. I can't stand for there to be dirty dishes in the sink. Even if it's just a spoon, I can't take it.
  5. I can sing in front of a group of people with no problem, but reading out loud in a group freaks me out.
  6. If something is out of place, I will notice. From my favorite coffee cup being in the wrong cabinet, to the neat little stack of Post-its on my desk being disheveled. It's like I have a snapshot in my brain of where things should go, and if they're not there I'm perturbed. Some people call that "Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder."

I'm not going to tag six specific people, but it would be fun if people just posted their list in the comments section. Even the blog lurkers who read but don't comment ... you know who you are.


susan said...

You're just not an exclamation point type of person. You're more of a ...


Anonymous said...

I already did this in my blog but I'll do it again just for you ;)

1. On the whole punctuation train of thought, I rarely make full sentences in text messages, blog posts, or emails...I'm a dot dot dot kind of girl.
2. My ultimate dream is the sail around the world, Dove-style (it's a book...check it out on
3. When I was little, I really wanted to be a pirate...and I pretended to be one whenever possible.
4. When I was in 1st grade, I decided to pretend like I was retarded in school...nobody was the wiser until my teacher called a meeting with my parents a month into school.
5. I could live on rice and beans.
6. I would give anything to be a professional world traveler.


Anonymous said...

1. On email grammar/punctuation-- I am bugged by the use of ALL CAPS STOP SCREAMING AT ME and the excessive use of "!" or ":)"
2. I believe that text messages are often a means of avoiding a conversation. And that bothers me. And I still send them.
3. I am very particular about kitchen and bathroom cleanliness, but clutter doesn't bother me as much. Fact- I typically clean my bathroom after hosting a party, even if it's 3 am.
4. Smells bother me. A lot. I am afraid of ever being pregnant for this reason. My mom's perfume used to nauseate me on the 15 minute drive to church as a kid.
5. As a kid, talk radio and Amy Grant's "pop" albums made me carsick. No joke. My family still doesn't believe me.
6. I once slugged my brother because "I knew what he was thinking," around age 11. I got in a *lot* of trouble for this. About 2 years ago, his wife told my sister I was right. And for the record, he deserved it. I did know.
- Sara