Saturday, April 11, 2009

fast forward

So, I mentioned in my last installment that I might be moving sooner than later. It will definitely be sooner. For those who may not know, I've been living at my house alone since the end of March - a deal that I struck with my landlord as a plea for mercy after losing my job and not having the money to store all my junk until I can move in to my new apartment in May. The only stipulation was that if someone needed to move in during April, they would have to be accommodated. I got a call from the landlord earlier this week saying that someone needs to move in next weekend, and got a final message today that the guy can't be held off any longer and needs to move in by the 17th.

So, I am moving into an awesome apartment in Highland next Friday with my good friend Keri. Who is lovely. She is currently living with another friend, and the plan was going to be to shove all of my stuff into the apartment until she was ready to move out at the end of the month. It turns out that she has options and will be moving out either the 15th or 16th. BLESS HER. She is so kind.

I think God knew that I wasn't doing so well on my own. Once again I've been proven wrong - I was so excited about having the house all to myself for a month, but when it actually happened it was really sad and lonely. I guess I am a people person after all.

If anyone wants to hang out and have beverages while I pack, I am going to need some major motivation. I hate packing worse than watching the western channel at my parent's house.


Jason Harmon said...

where's the apt?? feel free to email me rather than posting for any stalkers you might have

Anonymous said...

hey! I JUST read this and was going to say I'LL COME OVER AND HAVE BEVERAGES AND HELP YOU PACK. then I looked at the date. I'm too late. but we need to hang out soon. I still owe you one blissful mexican dinner!